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Our highschool, Manuel de Falla, takes part in this project, led by the European Parliament, in which different activities related with The European Union are carried out and organized by us, the students, or "Jr. Ambassadors". The aim of the project is to make us learn more about the benefits of being part of the EU are. Our job as ambassadors is to make sure to reach as much people as we can and also teaching them about the importance and the impact in our lifes the EU has.


In order to make this activities possible and to learn more about this topics we have done all together different activities such as an infopoint occupiying a whole corridor in which a EU timeline is displyed on one of its walls and the information of the different EU institutions on the other one. We should also take into account the decoration: stars hunging from the ceiling, colourful words related with the EU pasted on the entrance, decorative flags... And we should not forget the useful leaflefts with information for everybody! We have organized lot of funny activities for Europe´s day too! 

Implication in all

the school

Students from different classes have helped us in our project. For example, the students from Scientific culture has done some infographics explaining the importance of saving water and energy and ways to do so.

If you click in the link below, you will have access to some of them:

Art students from 4º ESO have participated too by designing the actual logo of our Sustainable school.



In the following Power Point document, you can check the developement and objectives of all of our initiatives related with "Economía circular y vida sana". We have dived the content in these main blocks:

-IES Manuel de Falla, un centro sostenible.

-eTwinning proyect:Mind your waste/waist.

-Desayunos saludables en el insituto.

-Protejamos nuestros árboles, intercambiemos nuestros libros.

-Hablemos de vida sana y consumo responsable.

Mi canal
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